Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!!

We had a great Christmas. We went up to Iowa for pretty much all of last week. Mommy and Daddy got a new camera from Grandma and Papa Roether. So mommy is trying to figure everything out with it. This was me opening just one of my gifts, I had so many gifts to open that mommy couldn't post that many photos.
We got to go down to Aunt Shawna and Uncle Brad's house on Christmas Day. I got to wrestle around with the boys.
Daddy helped Bradyn make some homemade Root beer, but he didn't get to try it because it takes a week to process.
Mommy got this photo of me with the boys. I just love being around the boys and yes that is what I call them (Boys). I am always asking to see the boys!
Yesterday Mommy and I painted some sun catchers. I got them in my stocking and just got to paint them. When I got done doing the sun catchers, I asked mommy for more. So mommy is going to have to go to the store and try and find some. I wore my new apron that I got for Christmas. I now want to put it on everyday and wear it around.
Hope everyone has a safe & Happy New Year.

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