Saturday, December 19, 2009

Santa came early to the Lovell's

This morning after I got up we looked out side and this is what we saw. We had a lot of black birds in our yard. I thought it was really cool to see all these bird. Tonight we celebrated Christmas early since we are going up to Iowa on Wednesday. Mommy, Daddy and Santa wanted me to have some time to play with my gift before we left for Iowa. I am always trying to steel mommy's broom from her so I got a broom my own size to help her sweep. This was my big gift, I went into the front room and got right up in my new trampoline. It is just the right size for me. I've only had it for a couple of hours and I've jumped in it nonstop. As you can see I just love my new trampoline. I really jump good in it.

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