Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!!

We had a great Christmas. We went up to Iowa for pretty much all of last week. Mommy and Daddy got a new camera from Grandma and Papa Roether. So mommy is trying to figure everything out with it. This was me opening just one of my gifts, I had so many gifts to open that mommy couldn't post that many photos.
We got to go down to Aunt Shawna and Uncle Brad's house on Christmas Day. I got to wrestle around with the boys.
Daddy helped Bradyn make some homemade Root beer, but he didn't get to try it because it takes a week to process.
Mommy got this photo of me with the boys. I just love being around the boys and yes that is what I call them (Boys). I am always asking to see the boys!
Yesterday Mommy and I painted some sun catchers. I got them in my stocking and just got to paint them. When I got done doing the sun catchers, I asked mommy for more. So mommy is going to have to go to the store and try and find some. I wore my new apron that I got for Christmas. I now want to put it on everyday and wear it around.
Hope everyone has a safe & Happy New Year.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Santa came early to the Lovell's

This morning after I got up we looked out side and this is what we saw. We had a lot of black birds in our yard. I thought it was really cool to see all these bird. Tonight we celebrated Christmas early since we are going up to Iowa on Wednesday. Mommy, Daddy and Santa wanted me to have some time to play with my gift before we left for Iowa. I am always trying to steel mommy's broom from her so I got a broom my own size to help her sweep. This was my big gift, I went into the front room and got right up in my new trampoline. It is just the right size for me. I've only had it for a couple of hours and I've jumped in it nonstop. As you can see I just love my new trampoline. I really jump good in it.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Mommy and I went to Iowa

Mommy and I went back to Iowa earlier this week while daddy went out of town for work. Grandma got some good photos of me. We had so much fun up in Iowa, they had a lot of snow but it was too cold for me to go out and play in it. This is a silly photo of me, grandma gets a bit camera happy sometimes, but I don't mind. I am taking lessons from her. We even got Dory to kind of pose for a photo.
I love backpacks, I found this one in Papa and grandma's room and never put it down. I was constantly filling it with things and walking around with it on my back. We had a great time up in Iowa. I always enjoy Papa and Grandma Roethler's house.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

First Lovell Christmas in KC

Mommy and Daddy hosted the first Lovell Christmas in KC over the weekend. I had a blast spending the whole weekend with my cousins and the rest of the family. Uncle Brad got to spend some time with me and we read some books. I was always trying to kiss all three of the boys. As you can see I had a death grip on Blaine and had just got done kissing him.
We opened gifts on Saturday and I got a lot of neat things from everyone. This is a really cute dress that Papa Lovell got me.
I really enjoyed opening gifts this year. I even wanted to help open all the boys gifts and Mommy and Daddy's gift. Mommy wanted to thank everyone for coming to KC and we had a great time.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving at Uncle Korey and Maggie's Place

We had Thanksgiving down in KC this year. Papa and Grandma Roethler came down along with Maggie's mom and dad. We had dinner at Uncle Korey's new house and had a great time. Thank you to Uncle Korey and Maggie for cooking everything. This is Maggie, her mom, mommy and I waiting for dinner to get done so all the boys can eat. I was being really silly last night. I wanted all my play food put on top of me, then I had to put it all over daddy. As you can see daddy laid very still for me to put my food all over him.
Mommy and Daddy put the tree up and I wanted my photo in front of it. Daddy says he's not going to be able to afford the electric bill since I always have to have the Christmas lights on all day.
I love to wear my Tu-Tu around the house all the time. I also have to put my boots on and wear them around. Mommy thinks I am so cute.



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