Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Growing fast!

I love to play with mommy's pots, I even tried to sit in it. As you can see I fit pretty good in it.
I love to play outside. Mommy and Daddy have a hard time getting me to come inside at night. They have to bribe me to come in most of the time.
Kendall is getting so big. We think she looks just like her sister at this same age. It is hard to believe she is 3 months old already. Where does the time go.
We went back to Papa and Grammar Roethler's house last weekend and I got to fish. Papa and Grammar's got me my favorite fishing pole ever (it's Dora of course). Everything Kaylee has to have is Dora right now, she loves her. Thank you Papa and Grammar's for my new fishing pole. Mommy thought this was a cute photo of Kendall. It looks like she is praying. She has recently found her hands and loves to suck and play with them.

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