Monday, April 26, 2010

Weekend in St. Louis

We went to St Louis with the Whisner's for a long weekend. The weather wasn't the best, but we were still able to enjoy ourselves. Here is our family at the St Louis Zoo. This is Kendall's first vacation at 2 months old. Kaylee thought it was fun to play on this big beatle.
Kaylee and Addi being silly in front of a waterfall.
The next day we went to the City Museum. Outside there was this large play structure made of rebar, airplanes and slides. Kaylee crawled all the way to the top with mommy while daddy watched Kendall. Kaylee is not afraid of anything and really enjoyed it.
After the City Museum we went to the Magic House. There was lots of cool things to play with. Here I am shopping in the grocery store. After my basket was full I had to check out and then restock the shelves. I really enjoyed shopping.
I also tried to build something with these plastic pieces.
They had several slides to play on too.
Kendall is really starting to show some personality. Mommy was making her smile and laugh.
Another photo of Kendall with a big smile. Wow, she looks just like Kaylee at this age.

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