Monday, November 16, 2009

Trip back to Iowa

This is a photo from a couple of weeks ago. I got to go down the street and play with my friends Gabbie and Lillie. It was so nice that day that we played in the leaves one last time.
We went back to Iowa this weekend and had a suprise retirement party for Papa Lovell. He was very suprised. Mommy took this photo of all of us with Papa Lovell. We had a great time and congratulations to Papa Lovell on his retirement. We are so excited for him. I got to sit on Papa Roethler's and Uncle Korey's snowmobiles. They are getting them ready to got out to Colorado. Hopefully there will be some snow this year in Iowa so I can ride with Papa Roethler and Uncle Korey on their sleds. I will be big enough this year to play out in the snow.
This is my new car I got that I love to drive all over the house. I am always telling mommy and daddy bye bye and getting in my car to go. I think it is funny to crawl through the window instead of opening the door.

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