Sunday, March 18, 2012

Day at the Park

It seems like we spend the majority of our nights and weekends at the park since there is not a lot of room or much to do at the apartment. We try to discover new parks and places to play so this weekend we went to Ironhorse Park.
 Daddy and Kendall on the playground.
 Daddy, Kendall and Kaylee enjoying the day.
 There was a nature trail to walk on. The girls thought they were tired and needed to rest on the bench. Kendall wouldn't quit being silly for the photo.
Kaylee really liked climbing up this rock wall by herself.
 Kaylee and Kendall being silly.
 When we got home Mommy, Kaylee and Kendall decided to bake cookies. Kendall made quite the mess licking the bowl and spoons. 
 Electrical and plumbing coming along nicely. Should be completed this week.
More of the same.

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