Tuesday, March 13, 2012


 Back in October we found a caterpillar, so we found a home to keep it in. It even made a trip back to Iowa with us. Then one day in October it started to make a cocoon. So we fast forward several months, and this cocoon has just become a part of the family. We moved it to the apartment and this whole time Kyle keeps telling me that the cocoon/caterpillar is dead. Then late last night Kyle heard this strange noise and come to find out the cocoon/caterpillar is alive and now a moth!! 
 So this morning Kaylee woke up and I told her that there was something downstairs to see. So we ran downstairs and she was so happy to see the moth.
She was pretty sad to let it go, but I told her that it needed to go and see its mommy & daddy and that made it a little better. This was such a fun thing to do with her, but now she wants me to find a caterpillar that turns into a rainbow butterfly!

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