Monday, October 17, 2011

Kaylee's Birthday party up in Iowa!

We had one of Kaylee's Birthday parties back in Iowa this weekend. This is my strawberry shortcake cake that mommy & daddy made for me. I was so excited to see it when they got it all done.
Getting ready to sing happy birthday.
Here are a few photos of me opening my gifts from everyone.
Of course something strawberry shortcake.
Part of my gift from mommy & daddy we got to go and see The Laurie Berkner Band live. I was so excited to see her in person. Here is Laurie.
This was Laurie and Susie singing the animal song.
We had great seats, we were right in the middle in the front.
Kaylee & Kendall had so much fun. They were both very tired afterwards. It was a great concert and would love to see them again.

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