Monday, October 10, 2011

Busy trip back to Iowa

We had a very busy weekend. We went up to Algona on Friday so we could see a bunch of family. Mommy's two aunts were home to visit. Aunt Donna from Atlanta and Aunt Sharon from Alaska. Also, Great Grandpa turned 87 on Saturday. Happy Birthday Day Grandpa so glad we got to spend your special day with you!!
Here is Aunt Becky, Grammars, Great Grandpa & Aunt Donna on Great Grandpa's Birthday!!
Kaylee went for her first combine ride. She had a blast watching the corn go from the ground to the back of the combine.
Here is some of Grammar's side of the family.
Then Aunt Sharon from Alaska and Great Grandma Roethler.
On Sunday we woke up at Grammar's & Papa Roethler's house to find the back yard full of leaves. So of course we wanted to go out and play in them.
Both the girls had a blast playing in them. Daddy piled the leaves so high that when he threw us in, we got lost down in the pile.
Kendall was buried in them so far that it was hard to find her.
We also helped Papa Roethler take the dock for the winter. So we had to go for one last paddle boat ride since it was so nice out.

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