Thursday, September 1, 2011

Meet the teacher's

Well Kaylee will finally start school on Tuesday. Today we went and met her teachers Mrs. Brewster & Mrs. Schaper. They are super nice. Lillie will be in the same class as Kaylee so I hope this makes it a little easier for Kaylee.
We got to find her name tag. She was pretty proud to find hers.
She was pretty shy the whole time. She never really talked to her teachers, but she warmed up to the toys pretty well. As you can see Kendall is right behind her big sister and is not so shy of anything. Kendall just jumped right in and started playing. I have a feeling that Kendall will be a totally different story when this day comes for her!
It seems that Kaylee is going to be pretty tall for her class. She is already to the bottom the of the last apple on the growth chart.
Here is Lillie & Kaylee together again.
Come Tuesday this should be very interesting for both Mommy and Kaylee. Mommy got a little teary eyed today, so I can only imagine what Tuesday will bring.

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