Friday, December 16, 2011

Kaylee's First Christmas Program

The girls being their typical selves, very silly!!
Kaylee posing in front of the christmas tree!
Kendall posing with mommy's hat on!
Below are two links to watch Kaylee's first Christmas program. Sorry that they get a bit fuzzy at times. She was so cute and did a great job. You will have to copy and past them to view them.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Our little Santa!

Kaylee is really big into being Santa! She loves to have all of us sit on her lap and tell her what we want for Christmas. It is very cute!
Here is Miss Kendall in her christmas hat! She loves to walk around with her Santa hat on and say Ho, Ho, Ho. She also loves to touch every ornament on the tree. Here are a few photos that I never got posted from Thanksgiving weekend. Both the girls helped Grammars decorate their christmas trees. Grammar's and the girls!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Trip back to Iowa for Thanksgiving!

We went back to Iowa for Thanksgiving and Elfie found us at Grammars and Papa Roethler's house. He brought us Snow donuts and snow from the north pole.
We got in Grammars and Papa hot tub. I couldn't help but put this photo of Kendall, her face is just too funny.
We went down to Aunt Shawna's house for Thanksgiving dinner. Thanks Aunt Shawna & Loren for a great dinner.
Papa went and got us donuts and this was Kendall and the aftermath. She was a mess head to toe!
Kaylee was being Santa Clause. She told daddy to sit on her lap. It was quite cute!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Halloween/Papa Lovell!

Sorry this is a little late but better than never. Here is a photo of Kaylee's class from their Halloween party. They all got dressed up and got to parade around the building in their costumes. Kaylee is the one only one not looking at the camera. She was Ariel for Halloween.
Kendall is so funny. I come around the corner to find her with a bucket on her head and my pans in the front room. She made me dinner. I even got some tea with dinner!
Papa Lovell came down and surprised the girls. They were so excited to see him! He even got into their play house with them.
Kaylee was dancing for Papa and Kendall.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Grandma Jan you are missed very much

It's hard to believe that it has been 5 years today that Grandma Jan passed away.
We cried when you passed away. We cry today still. Although we all loved you dearly, we couldn't make you stay. A golden heart stopped beating, hard working hands at rest. God broke our hearts to prove to us he only takes the best. You were the best mom, grandma, wife, daughter & sister anybody could ask for. We love you very much and you are missed everyday.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Kaylee's Birthday party up in Iowa!

We had one of Kaylee's Birthday parties back in Iowa this weekend. This is my strawberry shortcake cake that mommy & daddy made for me. I was so excited to see it when they got it all done.
Getting ready to sing happy birthday.
Here are a few photos of me opening my gifts from everyone.
Of course something strawberry shortcake.
Part of my gift from mommy & daddy we got to go and see The Laurie Berkner Band live. I was so excited to see her in person. Here is Laurie.
This was Laurie and Susie singing the animal song.
We had great seats, we were right in the middle in the front.
Kaylee & Kendall had so much fun. They were both very tired afterwards. It was a great concert and would love to see them again.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Busy trip back to Iowa

We had a very busy weekend. We went up to Algona on Friday so we could see a bunch of family. Mommy's two aunts were home to visit. Aunt Donna from Atlanta and Aunt Sharon from Alaska. Also, Great Grandpa turned 87 on Saturday. Happy Birthday Day Grandpa so glad we got to spend your special day with you!!
Here is Aunt Becky, Grammars, Great Grandpa & Aunt Donna on Great Grandpa's Birthday!!
Kaylee went for her first combine ride. She had a blast watching the corn go from the ground to the back of the combine.
Here is some of Grammar's side of the family.
Then Aunt Sharon from Alaska and Great Grandma Roethler.
On Sunday we woke up at Grammar's & Papa Roethler's house to find the back yard full of leaves. So of course we wanted to go out and play in them.
Both the girls had a blast playing in them. Daddy piled the leaves so high that when he threw us in, we got lost down in the pile.
Kendall was buried in them so far that it was hard to find her.
We also helped Papa Roethler take the dock for the winter. So we had to go for one last paddle boat ride since it was so nice out.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

First Field Trip

On Thursday I had my first field trip. We went to the pumpkin patch. We took a hayride out to the field to pick our pumpkins. We got to the big field and could get any size pumpkin and I picked the smallest one. Then I tried to help Kendall pick her pumpkin out.
Lillie & I found our pumpkins and then we walked back to the tractor for our ride back to see all the animals.
Kendall loved the baby chicks.
We were all watching the baby cows eat.
This was a really tall scarecrow that lead to a big hay loft that we all got to play in. The girls had the most fun in the hay loft.
They had a really cool bridge for the goat to go across and here is a silly one going across it.
After we looked at all the animals, Lillie, Kendall & I all went through a maze and at the end of the maze was this neat plane that we could play on.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Family Photos by Katy Gitto!!

Last weekend we had our family photo taken by Katy Gitto!! We love all of them, but I can't put all of them on here. So here are just a few of our favorites. Hope you enjoy them as much as we do!!



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