Thursday, October 21, 2010

Kaylee's Birthday

On this day three years ago we welcomed Kaylee Jolene in to the world. She was just so cute!!
This was the most scared moment in Mommy's life. The first time we all left the hospital to go home.
Then she was One!!
Then Two!!
Now Three WOW where does the time go! Daddy surprised all of us by taking the day off and he made us pancakes and eggs. Then we made me some cupcakes. I was so excited to eat the batter.
I then helped mommy sprinkle them.
We then went to a place with a lot of jungle gym's and I went down a big slide and you went really fast.
There were so many things to play on.
Kendall even got to play on the toys with me. She had so much fun just crawling around.
She got to go down a big slide all by herself. At the end of the day Kaylee had a pretty good birthday. We went to Chuck e Cheese for dinner and games with Korey and Maggie. Let's just say that she was pretty worn out tonight!!

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