Sunday, October 24, 2010

Kaylee's Birthday Party!!

We had Kaylee's 3rd birthday party on Saturday. Mommy and Daddy rented this fun blow up gym for the day. I was so surprised when I went out back and saw it.
I had so much fun in it. It had a slide, basketball hoop and a place to jump.
Here is a quick photo we took. As you can see I was having so much fun. I didn't really want to stop playing.
Even Kendall got to have a little fun in it.
Here is a photo of the cake that I wanted this year. It is Ariel from the Little Mermaid. It was a joint effort on Friday night from Aunt Maggie, Uncle Korey and Daddy they all helped mommy make it. I got so many gifts. Here is a photo of a coloring book that I got. My 3 cousins got to come down and join me for my birthday. We all had so much fun. Thank you to everyone that came to celebrate my birthday with me and thank you for all my gifts and cards.

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