Friday, May 28, 2010

Trip to Algona and Kendall's Ear Piercing

On Wednesday I took Kendall to get her ears pierced. This is right before they did the first piercing. Below is when it was all over, she did really good and she looks so cute now.
We went up to Algona yesterday so everyone could meet Kendall.
We went to Great aunt Becky and uncle Jerry's office and aunt Becky gave me a piece of gum for the very first time. It only lasted a couple of minutes before I swallowed it.
We went and seen great grandpa Fisher and great grandma Roethler. I was being silly with great grandpa Fisher.
Then we got to go out to the farm and I held some baby kittens. They were so little and cute.
Papa and I sat in the tractors and played in the corn bins. Kaylee got scared when papa started up the tractor so they just sat in it. Kaylee thought it was so much fun to yell in the bin and it echoed back at her.
This is the closest Kaylee got to get to the cows. All the baby cows were sleeping as Kaylee kept telling me. She really wanted to get right up next to them and pet them.
At the end of the day I was all tuckered out and as you can see my sunglasses were falling off my head. We had a great day seeing everyone. Thanks to Papa and Grammar's for driving us up there.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Playing in the lake!

We came up to Iowa to stay with Papa and Grammars Roethler for the week. We had a busy weekend. On Saturday we went to Mommy's cousin's graduation party up in Madrid and I got to play with my great cousins. I had so much fun playing with them.
I also got to eat lots of sweets so I was really happy.
Kendall got to meet great grandma Roethler for the first time.
Here is Kendall just chilling out with all her great aunts!
Then yesterday it was so nice in Iowa that I got to play in the lake at papa and grammars house. We even got to go for a boat ride and I had to drive it of course. I went through two outfits, I was wet head to toe.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Growing fast!

I love to play with mommy's pots, I even tried to sit in it. As you can see I fit pretty good in it.
I love to play outside. Mommy and Daddy have a hard time getting me to come inside at night. They have to bribe me to come in most of the time.
Kendall is getting so big. We think she looks just like her sister at this same age. It is hard to believe she is 3 months old already. Where does the time go.
We went back to Papa and Grammar Roethler's house last weekend and I got to fish. Papa and Grammar's got me my favorite fishing pole ever (it's Dora of course). Everything Kaylee has to have is Dora right now, she loves her. Thank you Papa and Grammar's for my new fishing pole. Mommy thought this was a cute photo of Kendall. It looks like she is praying. She has recently found her hands and loves to suck and play with them.



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