Monday, March 1, 2010

Kendall's one week old today!!

We went to the doctors today for Kendall's one week check-up and they said she is doing really good. She is a little pig though, she was above her birth weight. She now weights 7lb 13oz. Everthing else was really good with her. Yesterday the Upchurch's came down to see us. I got to play with the boys and I had so much fun. All the boy got to hold my sister. We really enjoyed having them down to visit. So precious, Kendall has her days and nights mixed up. Everyday is getting better. Mommy is trying to keep caught up on her sleep too. Daddy has been such a big help to mommy he is always playing with me while mommy takes care of Kendall. Thanks to daddy from mommy for all his help. I was trying to wake-up Blake yesterday. I just crawled up on him to wake him up, but he didn't want to wake up for me.
Aunt Shawna got to spend some time with Kendall. We already miss the Upchurch's. We wish they lived closer to us so we could spend more time with them.
Mommy took this photo of me as I was all tuckered out today. Mommy thought it was too cute not to post.

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