Monday, March 8, 2010

A great weekend in KC

We had a busy weekend. Grandma & Papa Roethler came down to see us and Papa Lovell came down on Sunday to see us. So we were busy all weekend. Mommy got this shirt for Kendall and I had my big sister shirt. So mommy dressed us in them and took this photo. It was so nice this weekend that we all got to go outside for a little while yesterday. Kendall didn't know what to think about outside.
As you can see I wouldn't cooperate for daddy so he could get a good photo of us.
Daddy and I got to swing together. I kept telling daddy to put Kendall in the red swing and Daddy kept telling me that she is too little yet. I can't wait till she is big enough to play with me outside.
I didn't want to go inside, but when the sun started to go down it got pretty chill out. That didn't stop me I just wanted to keep on swinging.
Papa Lovell got to hold Kendall while she was sleeping. When shes not sleeping she can be pretty fussy and all she wants is mommy.

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