Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Party at Uncle Korey's house

On Saturday night Uncle Korey and Maggie had a house warming party. A lot of the Roethler's came down for his party so he had a great turn out. Also, Daddy surprised mommy with a birthday cake, since she is turning the big 30 on Friday. It is also Mommy's uncle Tom's birthday and Maggie's mom Clara's birthday. So we celebrated all three on Saturday night. I really wanted to get into the cake as daddy was cutting it. Clara (Maggie's mom) was going to let me, but mommy caught me and told me no.
This is mommy and Clara posing for a photo and all I want is the cake. It was really good cake by the way. P.S. Thank you Kyle for surprising me.
I got to eat a lot of junk food on Saturday night. It was all really good in my tummy.
I really enjoyed hanging out with Papa Roethler.
This was at the end of the night at Uncle Korey's. I had to go home to go to bed.

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