Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Trip back to Iowa

We went back to Iowa this past weekend for the state fair. We got to go out on Papa Roethler's boat. Aunt Julie and Uncle Tom joined us for the boat ride. Here I am with Aunt Julie.
Uncle Korey played a princess fishing game with me. He won though.
Saturday we went to the Iowa State Fair with Papa, Grammar's, Uncle Korey & Aunt Maggie. We got to sit on all the tractors.
Both the girls really enjoyed seeing all the animails. Here is Kaylee touching the pigs nose.
I even got a kitty painted on my arm. Mommy bought me this pink cowgirl hat(that's what Kaylee calls it, it's not a cowboy hat it's a cowgirl)
Kendall got a butterfly painted on her arm.

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