Monday, August 8, 2011

A&D Mowhawk!!!

This weekend Grammar's & Papa came down. They brought lots of sweet corn. So Saturday night after Kendall went to bed, we had a corn part. Aunt Maggie, Grammar's, Steph & Mommy blanched all the corn and bagged it for the freezer. While the guys and Kaylee played pool. Thanks ladies for all your help, it was a great night!!
Here is Kaylee and Steph taking a minute for a photo.
Last night mommy went out with Steph for a couple hours. When she came home she got to see what I did to Kendall. Kendall & I went upstairs to play, Daddy heard laughing. He came up to check on us and I had put A&D all over Kendall and in her hair(for those of you that don't know what A&D is, it is a diaper rash ointment and is very greasy). I guess Kendall told Kaylee that she had a boo boo on her head and Kaylee felt the need to put A&D on it to fix it with a headband as a bandage. Kendall also thought Kaylee needed A&D on her legs, arms and hair. So in the photo above (sorry about her eye's) is what I came home to. There was so much A&D on Kendall's hair that a mowhawk just stayed put and didn't move.
Here is another photo of Kendall's awesome A&D Mowhawk & grease hair, Thanks to big sister!!

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