Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

Last night we went to the pumpkin patch. I got to go out in a big field and pick my own pumpkin out (Well I had a little help from Mommy and Daddy.) I really liked sitting on the pumpkins. This is one of the pumpkins that Mommy and I pick out. We went with the Whisner's. Addi and I had a lot of fun just running through the field. We got a little cold and had stickers all over us. We got to sit on some hay bales. I really wanted to sit on the tractor, but Daddy wouldn't let me.
Daddy helped me carry all my heavy pumpkins back to the cart.
Addi and I rode in the cart with the pumpkins. As you can see we were both pretty cold. We were glad to get in the warm car.

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