Friday, October 30, 2009

Carving the Pumpkins

Mommy just loved this photo of me that she had to post it. It was taken last weekend when we were up at Grandma and Papa Roethler's house. Daddy and Papa were cleaning up the leaves and I got to play in them. I had so much fun in them. Uncle Korey and Maggie came over tonight to help me carve my pumpkins. This year I was a little more interested in cleaning them. I actually got my hand in them and helped clean them out. Mommy and Maggie wanted me to stand in the really big pumpkin, but it was kind of cold still from being outside. So I just sat on the top of it and put the lid on my head. Mommy thought I was really silly. Then mommy put this hat on me which is actually Dory's hat for Halloween. I was having fun just wearing it around the house. This is a really silly photo of me. This is all my pumpkins that Daddy and Uncle Korey carved for me. The first one is what uncle Korey did and Mommy's not sure what it is. Daddy did the next three the first one is a spider, second one is Elmo and the third one is a ISU pumpkin. Thanks to Uncle Korey and Maggie for coming and helping daddy carve the pumpkins.

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