Friday, July 15, 2011

Big day at Splash Cove!

Today we went with the Finks to a place called Splash Cove!! It was a place that was just geared to little kids. Here is Gabbie and Kaylee going down the slide together. Miss Gabbie was a huge help with Kaylee.
Kaylee and Lillie playing with tubs of water!!
Kendall had a blast playing with all the toys too.
Kaylee took me by surprise and went down all three water slides all by herself. At the end of all of them she would get a face full of water, but it didn't seem to bother her. It was a big day for Kendall. While the other kids played in the pool. Kendall and I hung out under the canopy to take a break.
Miss Gabbie and Kaylee. Thanks again Gabbie for all your help with Kaylee!!
Kaylee spraying water out of the fountain!!
Big day out in the sun and all tuckered out. I don't think we even made it out of the parking lot! Both the girls had a blast.

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