Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to everyone. We went back to Iowa for the holiday. So the Easter bunny found us at Grammar and Papa Roethler's house. He also went to Papa Lovell's house and we had to find eggs. I got a lot a neat things. I got this cool Dora dress.
I also got a neat Belle cup and Kendall got some new outfits and some snack stuff for her to eat.
I also a really neat Ariel umbrella and a snaky sprinkler.
The Easter bunny left a lot of eggs for us to find. Kendall was going around and helping me pick up all the eggs.
Kendall wanted to wear Papa Roethler's hat.
Don't I look like my daddy!!
Papa Roethler got a new car. Kendall loves to drive it. Papa even took mommy and me for a ride in it. It's really loud though.

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