Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Our first visit to Children's Mercy

We had to take Kaylee into Children's Mercy yesterday. She had gotten sick Saturday night, with throwing up every fifteen minutes. So she was not able to keep anything down. She is also very stubborn and wouldn't drink anything but water and we found out that is the worst thing to drink when you are throwing up. So I took her into the doctor Monday night and they gave her a pill to help with the throwing up and it did seem to help for a couple hours. They did tell me on monday night that she was pretty dehydrated. Then we woke up yesterday morning and she was still very lethargic and didn't do much of anything. So I call the Dr and they told me to take her to Children's Mercy. She ended up having to get an IV, which was a very traumatic ordeal for her. Let's just say she is a fighter and the nurses kept saying she is the strongest 3 year old they have seen. They gave her two rounds of fluids and some sugar stuff. She seems to be acting much better today. So i'm hoping we are on the rebound and can finally be over this and just keep praying that Kendall doesn't get it. So far so good for miss Kendall. Here is a photo of her arm with the IV in it. They had to tape it so much so she wouldn't pull it back out.
After the whole thing, she wore herself out.

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