Friday, February 4, 2011

Our Big Snow Storm!!

Here is daddy helping out the neighbors with his snowblower. Daddy helped out 3 of our neighbors, he is such a nice guy. We ended up getting about 12 1/2 inches of snow.
Mommy took this photo of a bird in one of our bushes trying to stay warm and out of the wind. There was a cardinal with him, but mommy couldn't get a good photo of it.
Kendall likes to play with the dog toys. She is always trying to chew on them, I think she sometimes thinks that she is a dog!!
We got some clothes from one of daddy's co-workers and I thought I would try everything on. This is an outfit that I put together. Don't I just look so cute! Kendall sits in this chair and likes to put her foot up on the side. Mommy couldn't get the camera out in time to get that picture.
Here is another video of Kaylee signing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star!! She loves to sing to us. Just copy the link below, paste it and you should be able to see it!

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