Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Lights!

We came up to Iowa this past weekend for Maggie's Bridal shower. I was a big help to Maggie. I helped her open all her gifts. Thanks Maggie for letting me help you open your gifts. Since we came up for the shower Mommy, Kendall and I are staying with Papa and Grammar Roethler for the week. Daddy is on his way up to Iowa today to spend the rest of the week with us. My little Kendall that has no fear was standing on a little chair, then tryied to turn up the volume for the TV. We would tell her No and she just turned around and smiled at you.
We went to a special house up in Grimes to see all the lights. This house puts out so many lights that the whole yard is covered with decorations. It was a bit cold outside, but I just wanted to keep walking threw it. It was pretty neat to see.
It was to cold out for Kendall to go around and look at all the lights. She had to stay in the car with Papa Roethler. She was pretty amazed by the lights her self, she just kept staring at them.
Kendall is starting to show her personality to everyone. Grammars was trying to take her photo and this what she thought of it!!

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