Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Loft and Daddy's new truck!!

This past weekend daddy finally finished the loft out in the garage. So we now have a new place to store all the stuff. As you can see it is very sturdy, heavy duty and already full!! The key part to finally finishing this loft is Daddy had to get a new truck just to haul five sheets of plywood home (so that is what daddy tells mommy anyways!) While daddy was working on the loft I pushed Kendall around in her car. She was having so much fun that she kept jumping up and down. Kendall is getting so big, she is climbing on everything. Her new thing is to crawl to the top of the stair, so we have to keep a very close eye on her. Mommy cleaned out the closets over the weekend and she found this hat so I decided to put it on. I was being a pirate with it on.

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