Thursday, August 5, 2010

Welcome home Papa Roethler!!

We went up to Iowa this past weekend to welcome Papa Roethler home from Canada. He was so surprised to see us. We also got to see everyone else when we were up there. Great grandpa Fisher got to hold Kendall.
We went out to the farm and pick sweet corn and Great Aunt Becky took me out to pick cucumbers and a few tomatoes.
I also played with mommy's cousin's little girl. Brooklyn is 5 years old and I really enjoyed playing dolls and coloring with her.
Great grandma Roethler even got to hold Kendall.
Kendall is getting so big on us. She is so close to crawling, she is getting up on all fours and lunging forward. Before we know it she with be all over the place.
We celebrated Papa Roethler's Birthday when he got back from Canada. We took him out for Mexican. They gave him a shot of Tequila and made him wear this silly hat as Kaylee calls it. Happy Late Birthday to Papa Roethler.

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