Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Very Busy Weekend

We had a very busy weekend. We went to daddy's company picnic. They had a bunch of blow up stuff for me to play on. Daddy took me down this big slide and I loved jumping around in the big blowup tent.
It was really hot at daddy's picnic so we got to eat some ice cream. I also got some cool butterfly wings made out of balloons.
Then on Sunday we went to the Kansas City Zoo. I got to see some monkeys, tigers and daddy and I road the camel at the end.
Kendall is working on getting a tooth so she is constantly chewing her finger right now. So today on our way to the park she feel asleep with her fingers in her mouth.
Kendall got a new hat over the weekend, to keep the sun out of her face.
Kaylee loves being a big sister. She is such a big help to mommy.

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