Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Trip to the Arboretum

We went to a big garden place call the arboretum today. They had this big tree that I could step in the middle of.
We went with my friend from down the street. Gabbie is like a big sister to me and Lilly is just a couple months yonger than me. I really enjoy playing with them.
They had lots of ponds to look at and bridges for us to go over. There was a really big fish in this pond under the bridge.
We even got to find some frogs. We had so much fun just walking around and looking at the beautiful flowers.
As usual Kendall slept pretty much the whole time, but that makes it a little easier for Mommy to play with me.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Fun pictures of the girls!

We had some fun pictures of just us three girls done before mommy did her Trash-the-Dress session. This is what we ended up with. Mommy thinks all the pictures are so good, that she had a hard time choosing which ones to post. Hope you all enjoy looking at them as much as I do.
This is one of my favorites of Kendall.
This is my favorite of Kaylee's, this is just so her.
Here are two pictures of mommy trashing her dress. I had so much fun doing this that I am going to do more. I am going to get in the mud and even in a lake next month.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Kendall's first cereal meal

We went to the pool on Friday with Addi and Eastin. All the girls had so much fun playing in the water. Kaylee had to rest for a bit and grab a little snack of choice (goldfish).
Kendall is 4 months now and the doctor said we can start introducing cereal with her. This was her first bite of cereal. She seems to be eating it a lot better than Kaylee ever did. Let's just hope that keeps up. Both the girls are getting so big. Kaylee just loves her little sister and Kendall is always laughing at Kaylee. They both seem to love each other very much for now!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Happy Birthday to Daddy

Happy Birthday to Daddy from your favorite girls!! We love you daddy. Have a great day:) As Kaylee would say Daddy your old!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Very Busy Weekend

We had a very busy weekend. We went to daddy's company picnic. They had a bunch of blow up stuff for me to play on. Daddy took me down this big slide and I loved jumping around in the big blowup tent.
It was really hot at daddy's picnic so we got to eat some ice cream. I also got some cool butterfly wings made out of balloons.
Then on Sunday we went to the Kansas City Zoo. I got to see some monkeys, tigers and daddy and I road the camel at the end.
Kendall is working on getting a tooth so she is constantly chewing her finger right now. So today on our way to the park she feel asleep with her fingers in her mouth.
Kendall got a new hat over the weekend, to keep the sun out of her face.
Kaylee loves being a big sister. She is such a big help to mommy.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Kendall holding her head up.

Kendall is getting so big. She is really getting strong and holding her head up really high.
It has been really hot in KC so daddy let me play in the sprinklers. I was having so much fun running through it with daddy and Dory.
I was playing out by the big tree at Papa Lovell's house. Mommy got this really cute photo of me peeking around the tree.
Papa Lovell was trying to keep Kendall happy. I had so much fun playing at Papa Lovell's house over this past weekend.



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