Saturday, May 2, 2009

First trip on a plane

We have headed down to Georgia, we are then heading to Florida for the rest of the week. I will have been in almost as many states as Daddy has been in and I'm only 18 months old. I fell asleep on my first plane ride. I had to get up really early so I was tired by the time we got to fly. We stayed at Great Aunt Donna and Uncle Jack's house last night in Georgia. I got to play with my Great Cousin Grayson. He is two weeks older than I am. We had so much fun playing together.
We had to get a family photo with Mommy's Cousins and my Great Cousins. We are having so much fun. On our drive down to Florida we went by the house Mommy lived at in Gainsville, Florida. That was so much fun trying to find it with Nana and Papa Roethler (haha).

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