Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My New Swing Set

We had a very busy weekend. Daddy went and bought me a new swing set. Papa, Grandma Roether, Uncle Korey and Maggie came to help Daddy put it together. Grandma really came down to just watch me since mommy had to go and Volunteer her time at a sale she helped out with. Grandma and I got to bond a little, I sure do enjoyed playing with her. I'm still very much a papa's girl. Also friends of the family, Mike and Marcia come over to help a bit and I got to spend some reading time with Mike.
Then Addi and I just wanted to help with the swing set, instead we spread all the nuts and bolts all over the yard. Addi and I really enjoyed getting into trouble!
I made papa get into my ball pit with me. I just want to thank everyone that helped put my swing set together I really enjoy playing on it. Thank you very much:)

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