Saturday, March 28, 2009

Big day at the farm!

Mommy and I came to Iowa on Thursday and are staying with Papa and Nana Roethler. Then we went to the farm up in Algona. Papa kept telling me I could go and see a baby calf. I sure got to see one, I got to see him up and close. I even got to pet him. He was just born last night. He got a little cold last night and Great Uncle Kevin was trying to warm him up. Then we went and seen Great Grandpa Fisher. I had to get my picture taken with all of Great Aunt Becky's dolls. I really liked the doll that is as big as me.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Day at the Park

Yesterday we went to the park. I got to go down all the slides. It was so much fun. I think Daddy & Mommy had just as much fun as I did. They felt like little kids again.
We also got to have a picnic while at the park. I only sat for a couple of minutes then I was back off to the playground.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

What uncles are good for

Thanks to uncle Korey he teaches me things that Mommy just shakes her head at. In the video below you can see what he has taught me now. I also got to help Mommy make a dessert and Daddy let me lick the rubber scraper. As you can see I really enjoy eating the left overs.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Cool New shades

I'm such a hot shot for the camera. I wanted my sunglasses on last night while it was dark out. Mommy wanted to be cool just like me! I was trying to read a magazine and kind of look like Grandpa Roethler when he reads things. That's what Mommy told me.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Loving the outdoors

Yesterday in KC, Daddy came home early from work to get his sprinkler system put in. It was really nice to have Daddy home for the afternoon. We got to go outside and play, I got to ride both of my cars. I love being outside as I always go to the door and say slide.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My New Swing Set

We had a very busy weekend. Daddy went and bought me a new swing set. Papa, Grandma Roether, Uncle Korey and Maggie came to help Daddy put it together. Grandma really came down to just watch me since mommy had to go and Volunteer her time at a sale she helped out with. Grandma and I got to bond a little, I sure do enjoyed playing with her. I'm still very much a papa's girl. Also friends of the family, Mike and Marcia come over to help a bit and I got to spend some reading time with Mike.
Then Addi and I just wanted to help with the swing set, instead we spread all the nuts and bolts all over the yard. Addi and I really enjoyed getting into trouble!
I made papa get into my ball pit with me. I just want to thank everyone that helped put my swing set together I really enjoy playing on it. Thank you very much:)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

New Puzzles

Mommy caught me in Daddy's shoes again. She says that I am just so cute. She also discovered that one of my eye teeth is working its way in. That might be why I've been a little crabby and not sleeping lately. I also got some new puzzles and I really enjoy putting the pieces back.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Just hanging out reading some books

The last couple of days in Kansas City has been really nice. On Friday it was in the upper 70's. Mommy and I have been playing outside a lot, but then today it was kind of cold and cloudy so we couldn't go outside and I was really bummed. So Mommy and I just stayed inside and read books. I also enjoy doing that sometimes.

Monday, March 2, 2009

A walk in Mommy's shoes

I decided that I like to walk in Mommy's shoes. They make a lot of noise as I walk across the hardwood floors. I think I walk just as good as Mommy does in them. Papa Rich stopped back bye on his way back home to Iowa. I got to play all weekend with him.
This photo was taken in memory of Grandma Jan. Daddy let me put a whole olive on my finger and eat it just like that. She would be so proud of me. I know she is looking down at me from heaven.



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