Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Trip back to Iowa for Thanksgiving!

We went back to Iowa for Thanksgiving and Elfie found us at Grammars and Papa Roethler's house. He brought us Snow donuts and snow from the north pole.
We got in Grammars and Papa hot tub. I couldn't help but put this photo of Kendall, her face is just too funny.
We went down to Aunt Shawna's house for Thanksgiving dinner. Thanks Aunt Shawna & Loren for a great dinner.
Papa went and got us donuts and this was Kendall and the aftermath. She was a mess head to toe!
Kaylee was being Santa Clause. She told daddy to sit on her lap. It was quite cute!

1 comment:

  1. ugh she's naked it would be rude to not pick her up on the table and start fucking her! I know it's family time but you guys can all watch your little girl take it. they'll love it




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