Sunday, October 9, 2011

First Field Trip

On Thursday I had my first field trip. We went to the pumpkin patch. We took a hayride out to the field to pick our pumpkins. We got to the big field and could get any size pumpkin and I picked the smallest one. Then I tried to help Kendall pick her pumpkin out.
Lillie & I found our pumpkins and then we walked back to the tractor for our ride back to see all the animals.
Kendall loved the baby chicks.
We were all watching the baby cows eat.
This was a really tall scarecrow that lead to a big hay loft that we all got to play in. The girls had the most fun in the hay loft.
They had a really cool bridge for the goat to go across and here is a silly one going across it.
After we looked at all the animals, Lillie, Kendall & I all went through a maze and at the end of the maze was this neat plane that we could play on.

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