Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Singing time!

While we were up in Iowa over Christmas there was enough snow that I got to go out and sled for the first time. Daddy and Mommy got tired pulling me back up the big hill. I had so much fun.
This is Kendall's new favorite thing to do. She climbs in and out of the middle of the stools. She could do this for hours.
This is one of the new babies that I got for Christmas and the stroller. I just had woken up, this is how my hair looks every morning. It's a battle trying to comb threw this rats nest!!
Kendall finally has enough hair that I could get it pulled up on the top. Thankfully she is still young enough that she will let me do her hair.
We decided to get into this and played for hours in it.
Here is link to watch a video of Kaylee singing her favorite song especial when Kendall is eating because she makes a really big mess. It's a good thing we have Dory to clean up all the food that she ends up dropping on the floor.

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