Monday, November 1, 2010

Pumpkins and Little Lady Bugs!!

Both Kendall and I were little ladybugs this year for halloween.
Daddy raked up a small pile of leaves for Kendall and I to play in. I got to play a little more than Kendall. I kept raking them back in a pile and throwing them up.
Kendall got to get in the pile with me for just a picture. Mommy was worried that she would try and eat them.
On Thurday night Uncle Korey and Maggie came over to help us carve our pumpkins. Mommy tried to put Kendall in the pumpkin and she wasn't too sure about it.
Both Kendall and I tried to help daddy clean out the pumpkin.
This is what we ended up with. Kai-lan, Scooby Doo and a scary monster as Kaylee calls it.

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