Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Weekend up with Grammar's and Papa Roethler!

We went home to Iowa this past weekend. Mommy and Daddy went to the Iowa State Football game on Saturday. So Grammar's and Papa Roether watched Kendall & I on Saturday afternoon. We played outside for most of the afternoon. I thought it was really fun to pick up all the pinecones and put them into my bucket. Then I laid them all out on the dock.
Papa and Kendall were checking out papa's mum garden. He has lots of pretty colored mums in it.
Here we are in front of Papa's mums with Grammar's, they are so pretty.
I had such a fun day with Grammar's and Papa that I fell a sleep in the toy box.
Papa thought it would be a good idea to share his popsicle with Kendall. She loved it and kept going back for more.

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