Saturday, March 13, 2010

Kaylee's First Bowling Outing!!

We got to go bowling today. It was my first time bowling. Mommy and Daddy had to help me. I kept telling mommy and daddy that it was Kaylee's turn to bowl. I really had a lot of fun. Kaylee even got a spare. Kaylee's score was the second one on the screen. As you can also see Mommy was beating daddy. She even ended up winning the game.
I got my own ball to bowl with and shoes. The ball was kind of heavy for me.
I decided to just sit down to watch the ball go down the lane.
Daddy helped me push the ball down the lane. This morning daddy got to cuddle with both his little girls.
Kendall is getting so big. It is hard to believe that she will already be three weeks on Monday. Man how fast the time goes.

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