Saturday, June 27, 2009

Hot farm day

Yesterday we meet up with one of Mommy's friend's. We went to a farm called De Anna Rose and man was it hot. Even thought it was hot I really enjoyed running around and playing with Avary and Avary's little brother Tristin. I got to feed the goats with a bottle. They jumped up on me to get the bottle, but mommy said I did really good feeding them.
This was my favorite part, feeding the goat some food through the fence then they couldn't jump on me. These goats were just as hungry.
Mommy tried to keep me in the shade to keep me cool, but I wanted to see more animals.
Avary and I posed in the flowers for mommy.
I loved sitting on this cow. They even had some baby calves that were a bit rowdy when the workers were trying to get them inside the barn.

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