Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First day of school!

 The other night we made homemade ice cream. The girls had fun helping daddy make it.
 Today was the girls first day of school. They were both so excited to go to school. We took Kendall this morning and then Kaylee went a little later in the day. 
 Both the girls ready to go to school.
 Kendall went right into school and didn't even look back.
 This is Kendall not even looking back and getting right in playing with the playdoh.
Then I took Kaylee back later and dropped her off. She was so ready to go to school. She went right into class and sat down and didn't look back. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Kaylee's first soccer game!!

 Kaylee had her first soccer game last weekend. She was a bit shy at first, but warmed up once the games got started.
 Little practice before the game.
 Kaylee did really good going after the ball.

 Kaylee came out for a break and Kendall went right up to her to sit by her! Sister love..
We went back to Iowa for the holiday weekend. Daddy & Uncle Korey helped papa Roethler tear out his garage floor. Below the cement was a whole bunch of sand, the girls had so much fun playing in the sand. It kept them entertained all weekend. 
 Friday night we made it to Blake's football game. The girls didn't watch much of the game, but got a lot of play time with Bradyn and Blaine. It was really nice to see Blake play a good game!  
Kendall went shopping with Grammars and mommy and fell asleep in the car. Doesn't this look so comfortable!!



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