Thursday, June 28, 2012

So hot that it's pool time!!

It's so hot this week that we have spent everyday at the pool.  Kaylee being a little fish!! She swam with out her bubble all afternoon. 
The boys being silly on the slide
 The whole clan at the pool
 Kyle is really enjoying having boy time. Not so much fun for the girls as you can see them sitting on the ground next to daddy. Tonight they had a baseball game in the open lot next to us.
More baseball, I think Blake won and Kyle came in second!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Busy weekend right into the week!

We went up to the school to fly a kite that grammars & papa Roethler brought down for us! Kendall up at the field chasing the kite.
 Kaylee and papa trying to stay cool.
 Then we went up to the pool and both the girls have become little fish. They are both swimming in the deep end with their bubbles on.
 Then on Sunday Papa Lovell came down. Since we have moved into the new house, we got the wii back out and Kaylee's playing it all the time!
 On Tuesday mommy met Papa Lovell to get the boys for the rest of the week. Thank you Papa for meeting us! Blaine and Kendall are become big buds.
 Daddy was being a big kid and enjoying some boy time with Blake and Bradyn. 
Kendall trying to play soccer!
 Kaylee's loving having Blaine here!!
Kaylee being a good big sister and helping Kendall.



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