Sunday, May 27, 2012

House update!

Lots of stuff done on the house!! Here is the back splash in the kitchen.
 The oven and microwave
 The kitchen island with faucet installed
 Kyle's back patio before it was poured
 After it was poured
 Fireplace done with the same stone that is on the front of the house.
 Getting closer to being done, Shutters are on and painted.
 Landscape is in, they will lay the sod on Tuesday. Hard to believe we will be closing on Thursday and moving in on Saturday!! Time has gone pretty fast, but we are all ready to be in the new house. Thank you so much to my wonderful husband for making our dream house become real.  

Friday, May 11, 2012

Mother's Day Tea Party!

Papa Lovell came down last sunday to take Kaylee & daddy to the Royals game!! Thank you papa for taking us to the game. We had a great time!
 The other day Daddy had the hammer out and was pounding the nail strip down. So the girls of course got their hammer out and started hammering the nail strip down!
Yesterday Kaylee's school had a Mother's day tea party for all of us moms. This was the very cute plate she made for me. I love it so much, best mothers day gift ever! 
All of the girls yesterday at the Mother's Day Tea Party.



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