Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Bowling with Korey & Maggie!

Mommy's cactus finally bloomed this summer. She got four flowers all at one time. I thought they were so pretty and had to smell them.
Both the girls love to play with umbrellas. They ran around the yard playing with them and it wasn't even raining out!!
Saturday night we went bowling with Uncle Korey and Aunt Maggie. We almost beat Aunt Maggie, but she beat us by a few points. We all had a blast!
Here's daddy helping us bowl.
Kendall loved her bowling shoes. She looked so cute in them!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Visit from Papa Lovell and the boys!

A couple weeks ago Papa Lovell and the boys came down to visit us. Here is Kendall & Papa Lovell.
Kaylee and Blaine played so well together. Kaylee loves her Blaine.
The girls just love to dress up. They found these halloween costumes in the cloeset. They ran around attacking each other. They had a blast!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Trip back to Iowa

We went back to Iowa this past weekend for the state fair. We got to go out on Papa Roethler's boat. Aunt Julie and Uncle Tom joined us for the boat ride. Here I am with Aunt Julie.
Uncle Korey played a princess fishing game with me. He won though.
Saturday we went to the Iowa State Fair with Papa, Grammar's, Uncle Korey & Aunt Maggie. We got to sit on all the tractors.
Both the girls really enjoyed seeing all the animails. Here is Kaylee touching the pigs nose.
I even got a kitty painted on my arm. Mommy bought me this pink cowgirl hat(that's what Kaylee calls it, it's not a cowboy hat it's a cowgirl)
Kendall got a butterfly painted on her arm.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Field Trip to Deanna Rose Farmstead!

It was such a nice day today that we went to Deanna Rose Farmstead! We got to feed goats & sheep and see a bunch of different animals. Kendall was having a blast feeding the goats! She was not afraid of them at all and just stuck her hands in to feed them!!
Then we went and seen the sheep and we were feeding them leaves.
There were some cow bells that we were ringing really loud!!
Then Kaylee got to feed the baby goat a bottle of milk. As you can see she was just in heaven and having a blast!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

A&D Mowhawk!!!

This weekend Grammar's & Papa came down. They brought lots of sweet corn. So Saturday night after Kendall went to bed, we had a corn part. Aunt Maggie, Grammar's, Steph & Mommy blanched all the corn and bagged it for the freezer. While the guys and Kaylee played pool. Thanks ladies for all your help, it was a great night!!
Here is Kaylee and Steph taking a minute for a photo.
Last night mommy went out with Steph for a couple hours. When she came home she got to see what I did to Kendall. Kendall & I went upstairs to play, Daddy heard laughing. He came up to check on us and I had put A&D all over Kendall and in her hair(for those of you that don't know what A&D is, it is a diaper rash ointment and is very greasy). I guess Kendall told Kaylee that she had a boo boo on her head and Kaylee felt the need to put A&D on it to fix it with a headband as a bandage. Kendall also thought Kaylee needed A&D on her legs, arms and hair. So in the photo above (sorry about her eye's) is what I came home to. There was so much A&D on Kendall's hair that a mowhawk just stayed put and didn't move.
Here is another photo of Kendall's awesome A&D Mowhawk & grease hair, Thanks to big sister!!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Through the years! Happy Anniversary

From 1995 to Today!! Happy Anniversary McGee!
Kyle and I started dating Oct 29th, 1995
Our wedding Aug 5th, 2000
Our sweet Kaylee Oct 21st, 2007
Then our precious Kendall Feb 22nd, 2010
To today, our family. Never thought I would have a great life like this. You are the best husband & father that I could ask for. I can't wait to spend many more Anniversary's with you. I love you very much!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Camp out in the living room!

Kaylee has been asking if we can go camping. So over the past weekend is was way too hot to camp outside, but daddy was nice and set the tent up in our livingroom. Mommy, Daddy and I camped out all night in our livingroom. Kendall had to sleep up in her room. I had a blast and daddy tells me when it cools down we can camp outside.
Grammars got me this cute outfit. I love twirling in it and practicing my ballet moves. Thanks Grammars for my outfit!!



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