Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Kaylee the Pirate!!

Kaylee was being a pirate. She walks around with a head band on and say Ahoy Matey.
Kendall is growing so fast. She kept pulling herself up on the door of this car. So I put her in it and she was loving it.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Crazy start to our weekend!

This is how our weekend started on Friday. We had a very unusual weekend as there was a man on our street that was served eviction papers and when the Sheriff went to the door the man threatened the sheriff with a weapon and told them to get of his property. That is when it all began. We then had the SWAT team show up. We were stuck in the house and couldn't leave. This was a member of SWAT just outside our front door.
Here is the SWAT in the armored truck in front of the man's house.
They shot about 100 rounds of pepper gas into his house. They were really loud. Kaylee just kept telling me it was okay Mommy. They really scared my every time they went off.
Finally it ended on Saturday after 29 hours. The man walked out alive.
Here is the command center and some of the guys that helped get a good ending to the story.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Daddy's Racing Experience!

Here's all of us decked out in our ISU gear. It didn't help us to win the game though.
Kendall wearing her cheerleading outfit.
Today we went to the Kansas Speedway to watch daddy drive a race car around the track. Mommy got him this gift for their Anniversary.
Here is daddy driving around the track.
Daddy coming in after his 8 laps. Daddy said that the cars were not very comfortable to sit in. The paper's that daddy got said that his top speeds were 150.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Playing Outside

Yesterday we got to play outside.
Kendall really like's my swing. I have become a big girl and swing in the big swings now.
Mommy bought me this new hat, so now I have a hat just like daddy's.
I always want to hold Kendall. Mommy tells me to be really careful all the time. I sometimes think that I am a big person and can just carry my sister around. Kendall is getting so big, she can sit all by herself and she army crawls as daddy calls it. She has crawled normal too, but she prefers to army crawl.



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