Sunday, September 27, 2009

Busy Weekend

Mommy got me a new jeep a couple of weeks ago. I wasn't sure about it at first, but just yesterday I decided to start to drive it. I really like driving it now.
Papa Lovell came down to see me yesterday and we went to the park with him. He also got to see me drive my jeep for the first time.
I played so hard at the park that I bit my lower lip and got a bloody lip. As you can see I had a fat lip in the above picture.
Then today we went to an apple orchard with the Whisner's. Addi, Eastin and I got our picture taken in this apple thing. Mommy thinks we are all pretty goofy.
Here you can see that mommy is starting to show. Mommy can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going. She is already almost 19 weeks along. Almost half way through. Before we know it my baby sister will be here.
I even got to pet this baby lamb. I tried to feed it, and it ate right from my hand.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

It's A GIRL and Play Date with Addi!!

Yesterday we went over to Addi's house and got to play in these tu-tu's. We had so much fun playing together. We even got matching flowers in our hair. Steph and Mommy just think we are too cute.
Also, on Monday Mommy and Daddy got some exciting news. They got to find out the sex of my new baby sibling. That's right Mommy and Daddy are going to have another GIRL!!! Let's just say that poor Daddy is going to be really out numbered now and Mommy gets to buy more pink stuff. Mommy and Daddy are both really excited and can't wait to meet her.

Friday, September 4, 2009

My new Tu-Tu

Over the past weekend we went to a zoo by our house. Uncle Korey and Maggie went with us. I always have a lot of fun there. Daddy got on the tractor with me and uncle Korey put me up on this buffalo. I wasn't quite sure of the buffalo at first, but then I liked it.
Mommy got me this new outfit and I just love to run around and twirl in it. Mommy told me it was a Tu-Tu and now every time I put it on I tell everyone what it is. Mommy and Daddy think I am just so cute in it.



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