Saturday, July 25, 2009

Busy Friday and Saturday

On Friday Mommy and I went with one of our old neighbor's the Boedeker's to the last day of Jack's camp. We got to go out in the woods and have lunch and then we went walking on some trails in the woods. We walked through a stream of water and I liked sitting on the logs and rocks. I also liked playing in the water. I had so much fun, thanks Dawn and Jess for taking us to Jack's camp.
We had a busy day today we went down to a park this morning with some friends. There was a splash park that had water coming up out of the ground. The water was kind of cold, but I still had fun there and at our picnic with our friends.
We got to feed the ducks and geese. They got really close to us. Daddy helped me feed them. This is the whole group that we went down to the park with.
I really enjoyed feeding the ducks and geese.
Then tonight we went over to the Boedeker's for dinner. After dinner Jess let me swim in the hot tub with her. I really liked playing in the water with Jess and Jack. Thanks to the Boedeker's for dinner tonight. We all had a lot of fun.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Kaylee's Big Announcement!!!

Kaylee has a big announcement!! I'm going to be a big sister. Mommy and Daddy tell me that they are going to have another baby. Mommy tells me she is due in late February. I don't quite understand what she is telling me, but maybe sometime down the road I will understand it. We are all pretty excited for the new arrival. I thought I would be silly the other day and put one of Daddy's sock on, it's a little big for my foot. I also had to put my silly glasses on. Daddy and I went for a walk this afternoon it was really nice in KC today. I really enjoy being outside.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sunday softball games

Papa and Grandma Roethler came down on Sunday to watch Uncle Korey and Daddy play softball. I was so happy to see them. It was a suprise to me. Papa and I Cheered for the guys as they played a good game. Then after the game we went and grabbed a bite to eat. I am very attached to my mommy and love her very much.
I also really enjoy putting Uncle Korey's football helmet on. It's a little big for my head and I have to have help putting it on and taking it off.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

4th of July and Eating Corn

I had so much fun at the 4th of July parade. I got some beads and got lots of candy that Daddy and Uncle Korey are eating for me since I'm a little too small to eat some of the candy. It was kind of cold over the 4th up in Iowa. Mommy and Daddy were eating sweet corn off the cob. Mommy cut mine off the cob, but I think I'm so big that I wanted to eat it from the cob also. Mommy thinks I did a pretty good with it.



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