Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Progressing Nicely

 Framing started last Tuesday, so within one week they are already sheeting the roof. Shingles should start tomorrow if the weather holds out.
 Starting to look like a house. The garage doors are framed in and the front entry is being built.
Side of garage and back covered patio roof.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday Kendall

 Blowing out the candles!!
We found out that Kendall really loves carrots.  I think Kendall turned into one!
 All the cousins! Don't get many changes to get a good photo like this.
 Blaine Kyle and Kaylee playing with Kendall's new tool bench. Which was a big hit with Kendall and Kaylee.
 Opening some more presents!
Kendall just loves this squirter bottle that came with her baby alive. Thank you too all the family for driving down to Kansas City to help us celebrate Kendall's Birthday! We really enjoyed spending the time with all of you.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Walls are going up!

Finally We are making some progress!! 
 From the side of the house
 The Garage
 The front window
And the Garage again

Monday, February 13, 2012

First snow fall!

 They girls were being silly as usual. Playing with my hat!

We woke up this morning to our first snow fall. The girls were so excited to get outside and play in it. We were out before 9:00 this morning playing in the snow.

This is Kendall first real snow that she could go out and play in . She had a blast. 

Big sister was eating snow so Kendall thought she had to join in. 

Friday, February 3, 2012

Play date with Preston!

We have finally sold our house!! So now the packing begins. The girls found this big box and think it's their toy house. Never thought a box could bring so much joy to two little girls!
A little snack time in their box!
 Last week at school we made a bagel bird feeder. So we hung it out over the weekend and a pretty cardinal came to eat off it!
We had a play date with Preston from across the street. Kaylee & Kendall just love Preston. We got to play on the Wii. Both of them were so cute dancing, even Kendall was joining in the fun!



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