Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Dells!

 Here are some more photos from our trip to Wisconsin Dells! We got to feed the deer! 
 Here is the play set that we spent a lot of time at. We had so much fun here.

 One day we went miniture golfing and Kendall got a hole in one!
 This is one of the three pools that we enjoyed
 We went to a winery and they had a big checkers board and of course Kaylee won against daddy.
 Both the girls loved all the water slides
 We went to this pool one day and we had it all to ourselves
 The deer park was so much fun, the deer just followed us around 
 Kendall loved the baby ones!
This was on the drive home. The tree were just starting to turn and it was so pretty

Some cute photos of the girls!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Day 1 of the Wisconsin Dells!

 Last week we took a vacation to the Wisconsin Dells. On our way there we stopped at Cave of the Mounds.
 Daddy and the girls in the cave!
 Here is some cool stuff that we saw on our tour.
 Family photo down in the cave!

 After the tour we went out and the girls got to mine for stones. They had a blast doing this.
 One of the scenic roads we took to get to the Dells.
 We visited Lost Canyon which was near our resort. The tour was by horse drawn carriage. The horses names were Jack and Pete. 
Family photo in front of the horses
Going through the canyon.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Kaylee riding her bike without training wheels!

Kaylee's riding her bike without training wheels! She picked up on this so fast and now she is riding all over without them. 
Below is a link to the video of her riding without training wheels.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First day of school!

 The other night we made homemade ice cream. The girls had fun helping daddy make it.
 Today was the girls first day of school. They were both so excited to go to school. We took Kendall this morning and then Kaylee went a little later in the day. 
 Both the girls ready to go to school.
 Kendall went right into school and didn't even look back.
 This is Kendall not even looking back and getting right in playing with the playdoh.
Then I took Kaylee back later and dropped her off. She was so ready to go to school. She went right into class and sat down and didn't look back. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Kaylee's first soccer game!!

 Kaylee had her first soccer game last weekend. She was a bit shy at first, but warmed up once the games got started.
 Little practice before the game.
 Kaylee did really good going after the ball.

 Kaylee came out for a break and Kendall went right up to her to sit by her! Sister love..
We went back to Iowa for the holiday weekend. Daddy & Uncle Korey helped papa Roethler tear out his garage floor. Below the cement was a whole bunch of sand, the girls had so much fun playing in the sand. It kept them entertained all weekend. 
 Friday night we made it to Blake's football game. The girls didn't watch much of the game, but got a lot of play time with Bradyn and Blaine. It was really nice to see Blake play a good game!  
Kendall went shopping with Grammars and mommy and fell asleep in the car. Doesn't this look so comfortable!!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Random post!!

 Girls first trip to the movies!! They had a blast.
 Girls have had so much fun this summer in the pool.
 We went up to Algona to welcome back Papa Roethler and Uncle Korey from Canada. The girls were so happy to see them.
 Papa gave them leftover chips and they where just content to sit and eat them.
 Mommy decided to climb up in the tree, so daddy put us up with mommy. 
 The other morning a hot air balloon flew right over our house. It was so low that it could have landed on the roof.
 On Friday, Papa Lovell brought great Grandma & great Grandpa Wilson down to see the new house and of course to play with us. Here is a quick photo mommy got of us!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

New house photo's!!

Okay. I am so sorry for such a delay on the photos of the new house!! Just wanted to wait till we got everything put together. We are loving all the space!!  Also the new addresss is 9302 W 162nd Terr, Overland Park, KS 66085. 
Kendall's Room
Kaylee's bright pink room
Master bedroom
Another view of the Master
Bathroom off the front door with my neat stone mirror
 Great room
 Looking at the front door from the great room
 Formal dinning room off the the front door
 Hearth room, kitchen and eat-in breakfast knok
 Kitchen with the door to the garage
 Breakfast area
 Other side of kitchen looking at hearth room
 Fifth bedroom/toy room
 Another look from toy room

 laundry room off master closet
 Other side of laundry room, with a sink
 Master closet
 Master bathroom
 Another angle of master bathroom
 Back yard



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